Thursday, February 28, 2019

Lazy Ghee

Welcome back to the Land-o-Ghee....I LUV ALL YA'LL...Dat's Rite! 
Time to meet my musical personalities:

Lazy Ghee
This personality plus represents my rebellious adolescent least that what they tell me.  Ya see, I'd moved on from my puppy ways and became a snoozin' little ol' feller. My Momio named me 'Lazy Ghee' 'cause of my  proclivity to nap.  I liked that name pretty good and took to the streets-a-rappin'. It didn't take long before I had a growing number of 'Fly Ghees'.  Just about every lady I meet becomes a Fly Ghee--probably has to do with my mesmerizin' ways.  Some of them are human ladies, some ducks, some puppy dogs...but no squirrels! 
Them fellers are for chasin!
 The women folk just can't resisit my natural charm and when I get to rappin' n grinnin' I am putty in their hands!
That's the way it's suppose to work, dat's rite? 

Here's a little rap for all y'all:
My name is Lazy Ghee
dat's rite! dat's rite!
I gotcha TLC
dat's rite! dat's rite!
The ladies Flyin' for me
dat's rite! dat's rite!
Because I'm fullofit, see
dat's rite! dat's rite!

Well, you can understand how I became an overnight sensation. 
People folks just luv me s'good! 
But here's somethin' I discovered...
m'grandlady didn't like the rappin' too good so I expanded my reportoire! 

The Ghee has somethin' for everybody!
Stay tuned dawgs!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Sven Golley...Swede or Mesmerizer, you be the judge!

Well howdy do!  Welcome back! 
As you may remember, we are talking about my many winning personalities....
On with the show! 
Dat's Rite!

Sven Golley....or Gaaawlaaaay

Now, I've never been to Sweden but I reckon there's something about me that them fellers cotton to.      (I don't know if I've mentioned my winning way with people) 
Anyway, because people are so anamored with me and because I look so cute in winter sweaters Momio gave me this Swedish name...
I like it pretty good...especially my fancy headwear! 
I'm full of vim and vigor when I put this here swami hat on and get to mezmerizin! 

You cannot resist the charm of
Sven Gaaawlaaaay! 
You will give me treats and
let me holler at possums!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Captain Gizmo at Your Service!


Well, every feller needs a super-hero name! I can magically turn Boudreaux Goulet's ascot into a cape in case the universe needs my help to save us from utter destruction and all...or to dash through the neighborhood saving little ladies from critters under their house...that's really where I shine.

The lady-folk like it when I extract the critters from their hiding places and lay them at their little lady feet. Why you've never heard such squealing and carrying on! They just can't thank me enough!

Sometimes all that's needed to save the day is a nice smelly kiss from Captain Gizmo, that's another specialty (the smellier the better!)

There is always an opportunity to save the day with antics that tickle the peeps' funny bone...people folk just get too serious sometimes! 
Even them little peeps get all upset, cryin' over spilled ice cream or such, and need the Ghee to reset their happy meter!
Ya see, I'm full of antics, it's a requirement of us super-heroes! 
Sassy-mouthin' usually gets them feller's attention pretty good, I tell ya.  Especially if its followed up by a little dance.

In times of trouble, remember to call on Captain Gizmo to save the day!

Captain Gizmo:

Super Powers:  corralling critters, tickling funny bones, smelly kisses

Arch Enemies:  Professor Possum, Rat Fink, Dr. Come-Apart, Senor Serious