Born to Run
I really was. Since I was just a little feller I have enjoyed a good adventure.
At the ripe young age of about 7 weeks old I was struck out on my own meeting up with all kinds of folks. That's how I ended up with good ol Momio...that fateful day she saw me hopping through the sweet tater patch.
Things kinda took a turn for the better, ya might say.
She took me home to Pensacola (to be a fancy city dog and occassional beach dog) When we first got home I met a big ol pup named Goldie Goldstein.
Why, we looked just alike, except that I was the size of her head.
Before long, Ms. Goldstein and I were sympatico!
She even let me snug up with her.
I tell ya, I couldn't have asked for a better sidekick.
I did love my new city life...there was so much to discover!
Momio must have caught on to my way of thinking because every time
I broke free of the yard or bolted out the front door she followed me....justa hollerin out my name the whole time! Why we had ourselves a big time.
It was especially easy to bolt when Dadio was at the front door.
He'd always say, 'I don't think like a dog!' Momio did not like hearing that...
I reckon she wanted Dadio to join our p-rade, but he never did.
One time he and Momio drove around the neighborhood calling out my name.
When I ran under the car and into a neighbor's garage, Momio just about fainted...she had never seen such feats of wonderment!
I topped that performance with a front door bolt straight to the street...
Momio was standing on the sidewalk next to the street
so she had the best seat in the house...
I ran plum into the wheel of a moving car and landed on the sidewalk at Momio's feet.
She was so impressed she fell to the ground in tears...
Now that's a performance that's hard to top!
But not impossible...stay tuned.
Meet the Ghee
Life through the eyes of Boudreaux-Boudreaux-Golley (pronounced Gaawlaaay). A canine of many talents & a growing number of personalities. From lowly origins, this fiesty character has charmed his way into hearts & homes with his 'winning personality' that simply cannot be contained. Stay tuned for silliness and laughter.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Friday, March 15, 2019
Personality Plus: Meet the Mayor to The Ghee!
It's true, I am full of personality...or as Dadio says, FULLOFIT !
Now that we are getting to know each other I'll let you in on a little secret:
I LUV all Y'all!
Since we are such good friends ya might as well call me by one of my nicknames:
Boudrey, Boudrey Ghee, or just good ol Ghee. Truth is, I have so much personality
that it takes more than one name to encapsulate me. Dat's Rite!
The first personality that Momio noticed was the Mayor.....
Meet Mayor Ghee
The first thing to understand is that I just love everybody so much!
And I mean everybody. They say dogs are good judges of character and
I've never met a character I didn't like! Even grumpy fellers want to smile,
and they will after an encounter with the dazzling Ghee personality plus.
Ya see, every time I see someone I make sure to walk right on up to 'em and
give 'em a big smile and tail wag...that's why Momio calls me the Mayor.
One of my favorite campaign stops is Docky-Doc's...there are always other pups and kitties to meet AND Docky-doc's assistants call out my name and let me give them kisses PLUS my docky-doc gives me kisses.
What more can a feller want?
Momio says her docky-doc don't give her kisses...
well, she ain't the mayor: Dat's Rite!
It's true, I am full of personality...or as Dadio says, FULLOFIT !
Now that we are getting to know each other I'll let you in on a little secret:
I LUV all Y'all!
Since we are such good friends ya might as well call me by one of my nicknames:
Boudrey, Boudrey Ghee, or just good ol Ghee. Truth is, I have so much personality
that it takes more than one name to encapsulate me. Dat's Rite!
The first personality that Momio noticed was the Mayor.....
Meet Mayor Ghee
The first thing to understand is that I just love everybody so much!
And I mean everybody. They say dogs are good judges of character and
I've never met a character I didn't like! Even grumpy fellers want to smile,
and they will after an encounter with the dazzling Ghee personality plus.
Ya see, every time I see someone I make sure to walk right on up to 'em and
give 'em a big smile and tail wag...that's why Momio calls me the Mayor.
In my first term as
your distinguished and tasty mayor
(my paws are d-lish!)
I revoke leash laws
and encourage
all four legged fellers to be
free as that wind which blows!
I have a contagious enthusiasm, really. That's another reason you want me as your mayor...getting my constituents all happied up is my specialty!
What more can a feller want?
Momio says her docky-doc don't give her kisses...
well, she ain't the mayor: Dat's Rite!
Women folk just can't resist the
Ghee. You fellers out there might have noticed that women folk love to be
serenaded. That's why I have a couple-a personalities that know how to croon a tune....
(now, for a dramatic and tantalizing pause
while anticipation of future blog posts builds---
DAT'S RITE!) to The Ghee!
while anticipation of future blog posts builds---
DAT'S RITE!) to The Ghee!
Tuesday, March 5, 2019
The Crooner Collection of Winnin' Personalities
On with the Show: Boudreaux Goulet
Now rappin' ain't for everybody and I aim to please.M'Grandlady, for instance, doesn't cotton to the rappin' of Lazy Ghee and
I gots to keep that grandlady happy--Dat's Rite!
I got me a couple of crooner personalities that the women folk just can't resist!
One of my nightclub acts is called Boudreaux Goulet. In this role I wear a fancy ascot (that's a feller scarf) and a silk smoking jacket and I croon out the tunes as the lady folks swoon.
I tell you what, I do a lot of swooning too...that's the way it's supposed to work, isn't it?
This here is my latest album! Fancy ain't it!
My #1 song is "What Kind of Ghee am I" with "On a Ghee Day, You Can See Forever" coming in at a close second.
Now your livin'
in the
Key of Ghee--
Lounge Lizard
Boudreaux Buble
Now this feller just has all the folks dancin' & a-swingin'! You can hear me at the Dresden Room and hot spots like that across America. DAT'S RITE! Boudreaux Buble is a happenin' feller as well as a rapscallion. As always, I'm the life of the party so grab a partner and cut a rug!
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Lazy Ghee
Welcome back to the Land-o-Ghee....I LUV ALL YA'LL...Dat's Rite!
Time to meet my musical personalities:
Lazy Ghee
This personality plus represents my rebellious adolescent least that what they tell me. Ya see, I'd moved on from my puppy ways and became a snoozin' little ol' feller. My Momio named me 'Lazy Ghee' 'cause of my proclivity to nap. I liked that name pretty good and took to the streets-a-rappin'. It didn't take long before I had a growing number of 'Fly Ghees'.
Just about every lady I meet becomes a Fly Ghee--probably has to do with my mesmerizin' ways. Some of them are human ladies, some ducks, some puppy dogs...but no squirrels!
Them fellers are for chasin!
The women folk just can't resisit my natural charm and when I get to rappin' n grinnin' I am putty in their hands!
That's the way it's suppose to work, dat's rite?
Here's a little rap for all y'all:
My name is Lazy Ghee
dat's rite! dat's rite!
I gotcha TLC
dat's rite! dat's rite!
The ladies Flyin' for me
dat's rite! dat's rite!
Because I'm fullofit, see
dat's rite! dat's rite!
Well, you can understand how I became an overnight sensation.
People folks just luv me s'good!
But here's somethin' I discovered...
m'grandlady didn't like the rappin' too good so I expanded my reportoire!
The Ghee has somethin' for everybody!
Stay tuned dawgs!
Time to meet my musical personalities:
Lazy Ghee
This personality plus represents my rebellious adolescent least that what they tell me. Ya see, I'd moved on from my puppy ways and became a snoozin' little ol' feller. My Momio named me 'Lazy Ghee' 'cause of my proclivity to nap. I liked that name pretty good and took to the streets-a-rappin'. It didn't take long before I had a growing number of 'Fly Ghees'.

Them fellers are for chasin!
The women folk just can't resisit my natural charm and when I get to rappin' n grinnin' I am putty in their hands!
That's the way it's suppose to work, dat's rite?
Here's a little rap for all y'all:
My name is Lazy Ghee
dat's rite! dat's rite!
I gotcha TLC
dat's rite! dat's rite!
The ladies Flyin' for me
dat's rite! dat's rite!
Because I'm fullofit, see
dat's rite! dat's rite!
Well, you can understand how I became an overnight sensation.
People folks just luv me s'good!
But here's somethin' I discovered...
m'grandlady didn't like the rappin' too good so I expanded my reportoire!
The Ghee has somethin' for everybody!
Stay tuned dawgs!
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Sven Golley...Swede or Mesmerizer, you be the judge!
Well howdy do! Welcome back!
As you may remember, we are talking about my many winning personalities....
On with the show!
Dat's Rite!
Anyway, because people are so anamored with me and because I look so cute in winter sweaters Momio gave me this Swedish name...
I like it pretty good...especially my fancy headwear!
I'm full of vim and vigor when I put this here swami hat on and get to mezmerizin!
As you may remember, we are talking about my many winning personalities....
On with the show!
Dat's Rite!
Sven Golley....or Gaaawlaaaay
Now, I've never been to Sweden but I reckon there's something about me that them fellers cotton to. (I don't know if I've mentioned my winning way with people)Anyway, because people are so anamored with me and because I look so cute in winter sweaters Momio gave me this Swedish name...
I like it pretty good...especially my fancy headwear!
I'm full of vim and vigor when I put this here swami hat on and get to mezmerizin!
You cannot resist the charm of
Sven Gaaawlaaaay!
You will give me treats and
let me holler at possums!
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Captain Gizmo at Your Service!
Well, every feller needs a super-hero name! I can magically turn Boudreaux Goulet's ascot into a cape in case the universe needs my help to save us from utter destruction and all...or to dash through the neighborhood saving little ladies from critters under their house...that's really where I shine.
The lady-folk like it when I extract the critters from their hiding places and lay them at their little lady feet. Why you've never heard such squealing and carrying on! They just can't thank me enough!
Sometimes all that's needed to save the day is a nice smelly kiss from Captain Gizmo, that's another specialty (the smellier the better!)
There is always an opportunity to save the day with antics that tickle the peeps' funny bone...people folk just get too serious sometimes!
Even them little peeps get all upset, cryin' over spilled ice cream or such, and need the Ghee to reset their happy meter!
Ya see, I'm full of antics, it's a requirement of us super-heroes!
Sassy-mouthin' usually gets them feller's attention pretty good, I tell ya. Especially if its followed up by a little dance.
In times of trouble, remember to call on Captain Gizmo to save the day!
Captain Gizmo:
Super Powers: corralling critters, tickling funny bones, smelly kisses
Arch Enemies: Professor Possum, Rat Fink, Dr. Come-Apart, Senor Serious
Thursday, January 17, 2019
The kissing Bandit (that's me!)
Happy Fourth of July Week friends, family & constituents! My secretary and I have been lollygaggin' in the bloggin' department due to an over abundance of good ol summertime frolickin'! ILUVIT! One thing that never stops with the Ghee is lovin' everybody s'good!
That's why Momio calls me The Kissing Bandit
One thing the lady folks (and some fellers, shhhhh) like the most is kisses. Well, everybody likes to get a little sugar, really. Now, the way I see it, people folks get all closed up (or down) and they need fellers like me to tickle their fancy an' love on 'em so good. It helps to be fast as lightening. That's why they call me the Kissing Bandit.
Here's my secret: I wait until they sit down and then, BOOM, out of nowhere land in their lap...before they know what hit 'em I've just about covered the whole face, ears, nostrils and sometimes, if they are laughing, I might even lick a tooth. They claim to not like it but that's just all show for the other people folks. Inside they feel loved...that's my main area of expertise, making folks feel all warm and silly inside.
When you are a kissing bandit you do not discriminate: lady folk, men folk, little folk, puppy folk...kiss 'em all! I generally like to take a little nap after all this kissin'. You have to be ready to spread the love at all times.
That's why Momio calls me The Kissing Bandit
![]() |
The Kissing Bandit in Action |
One thing the lady folks (and some fellers, shhhhh) like the most is kisses. Well, everybody likes to get a little sugar, really. Now, the way I see it, people folks get all closed up (or down) and they need fellers like me to tickle their fancy an' love on 'em so good. It helps to be fast as lightening. That's why they call me the Kissing Bandit.
Here's my secret: I wait until they sit down and then, BOOM, out of nowhere land in their lap...before they know what hit 'em I've just about covered the whole face, ears, nostrils and sometimes, if they are laughing, I might even lick a tooth. They claim to not like it but that's just all show for the other people folks. Inside they feel loved...that's my main area of expertise, making folks feel all warm and silly inside.
When you are a kissing bandit you do not discriminate: lady folk, men folk, little folk, puppy folk...kiss 'em all! I generally like to take a little nap after all this kissin'. You have to be ready to spread the love at all times.
A little ear sugar takes 'em by surprise! |
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Personality Plus Wrap Up
Well, here we go! Momio says a picture is worth a whole bunch of people talk!
So, without further adoo-dull-lee-doo here is a smattering of my other personalities....I told you all I was FULLOFIT and I wasn't kiddin! Dat's Rite!
So, without further adoo-dull-lee-doo here is a smattering of my other personalities....I told you all I was FULLOFIT and I wasn't kiddin! Dat's Rite!
Nosey O'Ghee
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Uncle Grumpy...Ack-hem-poooey!
Uncle Grumpy
Well now, don't be shocked. This was really just a little phase I was goin' through. Now, when I have all the reason to be Uncle Grumpy I'm just nice as can be. But, once upon a time, if a feller tried to mess with Uncle Grumpy they just might get a little snap...I didn't hurt anybody, I just needed my space.Time for a nap! Run along little feller.....ack-hem-pooooey!
Run Along Little Whipper-snapper! |
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Get on with it, Little Lady!
That's what I had to tell my Momio recently. Ya see, I do have so many personalities and, really, the little lady's been lackadaisical here lately.
And, here's the bottom line, friendly-friends: it's time to get back to real life, real time Ghee because I gots things to say and a feller doesn't know how long he has to pontificate.
As you may recall, last Fall I had a big lumpy removed from my chest. Then in the Spring 2 more popped up (mom dressed me in a onesie and put me in an apartment!)
Maybe we should have let them fellers be...but you don't get nowhere looking at your tail, now do ya.
About a month ago, you guessed it, more lumpies! Then all of a sudden, lots of of little lumpies sprang up all over my little-ol self...head to toe. Them fellers just like me too good, I tell ya!
So Docky and I decided to leave these fellers be...sometimes you just have to let things be and make the best of the situation. Didn't some bugs sing a song about that? DAT'S RITE!
Well, Dockie Doc and I had a talk with Momio and she's gotten on board with our winnin' way of thinkin (you never know about the little lady!)
I'm back to being a Cone Head, a Coney Island Boy, a Mega Ghee, and an Amplified Feller! I tell ya, that cone makes my stride even more jaunty, really.
We discovered a new fangled ProCollar at looks a little like an inner tube....I call it my navy nimbus. It's a little like the people-folks neck pillow which comes in handy for Lazy Ghee. Here's a handsome profile for ya!
And, here's the bottom line, friendly-friends: it's time to get back to real life, real time Ghee because I gots things to say and a feller doesn't know how long he has to pontificate.
As you may recall, last Fall I had a big lumpy removed from my chest. Then in the Spring 2 more popped up (mom dressed me in a onesie and put me in an apartment!)
Maybe we should have let them fellers be...but you don't get nowhere looking at your tail, now do ya.
About a month ago, you guessed it, more lumpies! Then all of a sudden, lots of of little lumpies sprang up all over my little-ol self...head to toe. Them fellers just like me too good, I tell ya!
So Docky and I decided to leave these fellers be...sometimes you just have to let things be and make the best of the situation. Didn't some bugs sing a song about that? DAT'S RITE!
Well, Dockie Doc and I had a talk with Momio and she's gotten on board with our winnin' way of thinkin (you never know about the little lady!)
I'm back to being a Cone Head, a Coney Island Boy, a Mega Ghee, and an Amplified Feller! I tell ya, that cone makes my stride even more jaunty, really.
We discovered a new fangled ProCollar at looks a little like an inner tube....I call it my navy nimbus. It's a little like the people-folks neck pillow which comes in handy for Lazy Ghee. Here's a handsome profile for ya!
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
All Paws on Deck
Sailor Ghee, Dat's Me!
I bet ya'll didn't know I was a #1 First Mate on a fancy sailboat! Yes indeedy, and I was a good'un too, just ask Dadio! I was always on the lookout and didn't let Momio & Dadio out of my sight....well, I didn't keep such a close eye on 'em when we went for walks on the beach....there were crabs and birdies and sometimes I'd luck up and run upon a beach squeak...them fellers is fast!
To prove what a good first mate I was, the peeps called our little boat a din-Ghee...ain't that sweet of 'em! We'd take that din-Ghee to all kinds of fun places: there were lots of little islands that Dadio named the Isle of Ghee where all the dogs are free! ( I guess most fellers would be embarrassed by the lavishin' of names, but not me!)
Now a feller like me is full of surprises. On a beautiful fall weekend, we anchored in the middle of a big ol bayou named Ingram and it was quite a ways to shore. Us pups went for a nice walk and sniff on shore...which meant we all jumped in the din-Ghee. We all love a din-Ghee ride! Well, Momio and Dadio brought us back to the boat and took off on a din-Ghee adventure without us pups. Now, I don't like to be left behind, not one bit. My sisters were always behavin'...but not yours truly! Sometimes you just have to break the rules....and that's one of my Specialties! Hear me Say It!
So after repeated attempts at alarming the parental unit to my unhappiness I took matters into my own paws.
To demonstrate my displeasure I jumped right on in that Bayou (without my life preserver) and swam all the way to shore with my short little legs. I later learned that Momio thinks there are yards in the water, but now, that don't make no sense. She thinks there were 50 backyards from the boat to the shore. The little lady needs to stay out of the sun, if you ask me (and you usually do...)Hear Me Say It!
You should-a heard the carrying on when Momio got back on board and immediately missed you-know-who! I can really get that little lady worked up. Dadio said the same thing he always says in times like these, "I don't think like a dog!" Well, the little lady finally saw me running back and forth on the beach (the little lady has a radar on me, I reckon) and din-Gheed over to pick up her little feller!
Once again, I surprised the peeps with my winnin' ways! Another hidden talent revealed when you least expect it----Marathon Swimming----another Specialty!
I reckon I taught the peeps a little lesson that day, well, at least Momio...Dadio is a teaching challenge but the little lady catches on purty quick!
First Mate and Captain Dadio! |
I bet ya'll didn't know I was a #1 First Mate on a fancy sailboat! Yes indeedy, and I was a good'un too, just ask Dadio! I was always on the lookout and didn't let Momio & Dadio out of my sight....well, I didn't keep such a close eye on 'em when we went for walks on the beach....there were crabs and birdies and sometimes I'd luck up and run upon a beach squeak...them fellers is fast!
To prove what a good first mate I was, the peeps called our little boat a din-Ghee...ain't that sweet of 'em! We'd take that din-Ghee to all kinds of fun places: there were lots of little islands that Dadio named the Isle of Ghee where all the dogs are free! ( I guess most fellers would be embarrassed by the lavishin' of names, but not me!)
Me and my big sister, Goldie Goldstein, sniffin' it up on The Isle of Ghee Click Here to Hear the Ghee |
Now a feller like me is full of surprises. On a beautiful fall weekend, we anchored in the middle of a big ol bayou named Ingram and it was quite a ways to shore. Us pups went for a nice walk and sniff on shore...which meant we all jumped in the din-Ghee. We all love a din-Ghee ride! Well, Momio and Dadio brought us back to the boat and took off on a din-Ghee adventure without us pups. Now, I don't like to be left behind, not one bit. My sisters were always behavin'...but not yours truly! Sometimes you just have to break the rules....and that's one of my Specialties! Hear me Say It!
So after repeated attempts at alarming the parental unit to my unhappiness I took matters into my own paws.
To demonstrate my displeasure I jumped right on in that Bayou (without my life preserver) and swam all the way to shore with my short little legs. I later learned that Momio thinks there are yards in the water, but now, that don't make no sense. She thinks there were 50 backyards from the boat to the shore. The little lady needs to stay out of the sun, if you ask me (and you usually do...)Hear Me Say It!
You should-a heard the carrying on when Momio got back on board and immediately missed you-know-who! I can really get that little lady worked up. Dadio said the same thing he always says in times like these, "I don't think like a dog!" Well, the little lady finally saw me running back and forth on the beach (the little lady has a radar on me, I reckon) and din-Gheed over to pick up her little feller!
Once again, I surprised the peeps with my winnin' ways! Another hidden talent revealed when you least expect it----Marathon Swimming----another Specialty!
I reckon I taught the peeps a little lesson that day, well, at least Momio...Dadio is a teaching challenge but the little lady catches on purty quick!
Boatin' is one of my Specialties! |
First Mate needs his Beautiful Sleep |
Keeping Watch for my Peeps---Avast, Matey, Who Ghee's There! |
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Born to Hunt: Bonding with Dadio
I really was. You see I love those little fellers that live under houses, underground and up in trees. Them fellers just tickle me. I like to chase 'em around and give 'em a little love bite! They just ain't much fun after that. I really like the fellers that squeak like my squeaky toys!
Momio loves it when I bring her a little feller. She screams and runs in circles, she's so proud...she calls folks on the phone and talks about selling the house. In her excitement she gets all confused and starts telling me I'm some kind of kitty cat! That little lady is very excitable.
The squeakers caused such a ruckus I decided to move on to bigger and better things. One night I cornered a big ol possum under the back deck. I yelled and hollered at that feller for near abouts 7 hours (at least that's what Momio said).
Here's the thing about them possums, they'll just take a nap on ya...then, when you least expect it they open their eyes and let out a nasty growl.
Well, I'd just about decided I'd bitten off more than I could chew when Dadio came to the rescue. Now, I won't go into the details, but let's just say Dadio and I make a winnin' team and I suddenly found a heightened respect for that Dadio feller!
He may not like to parade through the streets with me and Momio
but he does like hunting with his little feller (yours truly).
He liked it so much I gave him a couple more hunts for good measure! We prevailed each time because we are just alike and so sympatico! With each hunt Momio was so touched by our heroism she was moved to tears! (That little lady's got some leaky eyeballs!)
Well, such is life as the Momio to a born hunter!
Monday, April 22, 2013
Real Time Update from The Ghee
MEGA GHEE outfit: onesie & cone...I think blue's my color! |
I interrupt the introduction to my musical personalities to give you all a real time update.
I'm no whipper-snapper anymore and with age comes lumps (I'm a lumpy feller, or was). Just this week I had 2 mast cell tumors successfully removed, thanks to my Docky-doc Ms. Megan at Airport Animal Clinic. She's my new Docky doc...and she immediately fell under my charm! I LUV IT! She and her team took such good care of me and were very impressed by my vim and vigor!
I'm back at home recovering...but Momio is dressin' me in onesies and a cone and I'm confined to my apartment most of the day. Apartment livin' ain't my cup of tea, I tell ya. A Ghee needs his space!
As always, I make the best of things and have come up with a new winning personality: MEGA GHEE! He wears a ONESIE! He lives in an APARTMENT! And you can hear him from miles away because he wears a MEGAPHONE on his noggin. I LUV IT!
Get the picture?
Apartment livin' is for the Birds! |
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